Many of you have already discussed your college plans with Ray, your college counselor, this semester, and may have received valuable ideas and suggestions regarding college plans, including (but not limited to) plans for GPA up-leveling, standardized testing schedules, tips on extracurricular activities, majors and college directions, etc. However, some of you may have yet to do so for various reasons.
This questionnaire aims to consolidate all college counseling-related information as part of your overall end-of-term report to serve as a guide for your plans for the upcoming winter vacation as well as your plans for the rest of the year. The more comprehensive the information you provide, the better the guide for you. Therefore, please complete this questionnaire as completely and as truly as possible, reflect upon the past term, and look forward to a bright new year!
This is to be completed NO LATER than 8 pm Thursday, January 9, 2025.