8. The channels through which you buy 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai
store business super enterprise group purchase catering online channels
9. Part two: Consumer preference research questionnaire
What do you think of the quality of 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai ?
Very good Bette Average Poor Very poor
10. What is your taste preference when buying Baijiu ?
Sweeter Bitter Light Mellow Other
11. What is your main price for buying/drinking Baijiu ?
Less than 100 yuan 100-500 yuan 500-1000 yuan 1000-2000 yuan More than 2000 yuan
12. When choosing 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai , what do you think of its brand influence?
Very strong Strong General Weak No impact at all
13. What is your preference for packaging design when choosing Baijiu?
Simple and generous Traditional classic Modern Bright colors Others, please specify:
14. How do you think the cultural background of 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai influences your purchasing decision?
Very large large Normal Small No impact at all
15. When choosing 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai , how important are you to the following factors?
Taste brand price packaging cultural value Order:
16. What attributes do you value most when buying 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai ?
Quality Price Brand awareness Taste experience Packaging design
17. Part three: Consumer behavior research questionnaire
1. How often do you buy/drink 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai ?
One bottle per week one bottle per month One bottle per quarter One bottle per year
18. On what occasions do you usually drink 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai ?
Family gathering Business dinner Friends gathering Festival celebration Other, please specify:
19. Through which channels do you usually buy 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai ?
Distributors Online shopping Tobacco hotels Supermarkets Duty free shops Others, please specify:
20. What is the main reason for you to drink 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai ?
Social occasions Personal enjoyment Gifts Special celebrations Other, please specify:
21. When you buy 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai , how many bottles do you usually buy?
1 bottle 2-3 bottles 4-6 bottles One piece or more As required
22. When buying 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai , will you consider the recommendation of the brand?
Always consider Often consider occasionally consider Rarely consider never consider
23. Will you pay attention to the promotion activities of 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai ?
Very concerned More concerned General concern Less concerned No concern at all
24. p art four: Questionnaire of influencing factors of product purchase
How much influence do you think cultural background has on your purchase of 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai ?
Very large Large Normal Small No impact at all
25. What is your opinion on brand influence?
Very important Major General Not important Not important at all
26. How much influence do your friends or family have on your purchase of 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai ?
Very large Large Normal Small No impact at all
27. What do you think is the importance of price when buying 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai ?
Very important Major General Not important Not important at all
28. Have you been influenced by advertising to buy 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai ?
Always affected Often affected Occasionally affected Rarely affected Not affected at all
29. What is your main motivation for buying 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai ?
Social needs Personal enjoyment Gifts Special celebrations Others, please specify:
30. Which of the above factors do you think has the most influence on your decision to buy 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai ?
Cultural background Brand influence Reference group Price Advertising
31. When you buy 53%vol 500ml Feitian Moutai i, will you consider multiple factors?
Always consider Often consider Occasionally consider rarely consider Never consider